Magic Mug Heart helps with love disappointments and broken heart, boost self love.


W języku Polskim dokładne tłumaczenie jest na Tiktoku @mrsunavailable/Femida. UWAGA! W Polsce za zakup z UK jest naliczany vat/cło do zapłaty przy odbiorze dla odbiorcy. Wysyłka tylko do UK i PL (czas oczekiwania w PL miesiąc) Jeśli po miesiącu nie dojdzie, zwracam pieniądze.

This Mug is energetically programmed to remove KARMA, which causes broken heart, disappointments in love, inability to heal from a breakup. Poor mindset, lack of boundaries, victim mentality, low self-esteem, creating illusions and believing in them. False understanding of reality and love itself, inability to let go of people, learning your lessons, and moving on. Inability of self-love, self-respect and respect of the free will of others and their choices. 

Without KARMA, your energetic Heart will start healing and let go of emotions blocking it. Your healthy mindset will unblock, by clearing your view on which lessons need to be learned, in order to be able to heal yourself. You will gain an understanding of what  self-love and self-respect are. You will be able to easily let go or cut off any toxic person. You will look at the people from a totally different perspective after you heal yourself in a positive and thankful way. After you finish your healing, you will be happy with yourself, and you will resonate with healthy and positive people this time, if you want  to start a relationship.

Works for 1 year or until Mug breaks. Falling of rhinestones will not affect working of the Mug. Not suitable for microwave or dishwasher because of rhinestones. Hand made stoneware Mug, hand decorated and programmed energetically by Lightworker and Master of Energy Femida.